Everything you need to know about adaptive learning

Written by SeekLMS Correspondent on 01 November 2021

Adaptive learning is not a new concept, but it is time for companies and institutions to begin to consider it. With technology enabling the evaluation and personalization of content in real-time, adaptive learning is a major advance in user experience and success. 

The best trainers have always adapted their teaching method to what users need, but with the constant growth of participants in specialization courses, it is very difficult for trainers to rely on their own strategies to keep all users engaged already. the height of the course. Consequently, in recent years, the idea of ​​adaptive learning has gained greater relevance due to the need to personalize learning to obtain better results.

What is adaptive learning?

Adaptive learning is an online educational system that understands the student and modifies the presentation of the material as appropriate. One feature that makes it unique is that it focuses on the use of technology to personalize teaching using artificial intelligence. When adaptive learning is implemented, the system tracks student actions.

Although many questions these learning platforms, the reality is that they are capable of analyzing the actions of a user and tailoring the training to the individual's needs, giving them access to more relevant learning materials. For example, you can detect the correct or incorrect answers to a short formative test at a certain point in the course and determine what the next need for knowledge a user may have; But not only correct or wrong answers are analyzed, but also the response time, or the probability that the answer is due to a real knowledge of the questions posed or to other factors such as riddles or a stochastic effect. 

While much of the processes are automated, it still requires a lot of human input, especially when it comes to content. You should have materials ready for every possible scenario so that the system can present certain materials or exercises to certain users so that they are not discouraged.

How does adaptive learning work?

In adaptive learning, the "algorithms" decide when to intervene in the student's learning process according to the number of actions that the student performs. For example, if the student is supposed to take a test, the algorithm adapts the classes according to the answers given. Failure to answer certain questions correctly will trigger the system to provide the student with relevant content to focus on, or overall performance could determine which learning path to take. 

Sometimes more advanced systems can intervene if a student spends a lot of time on a question. In this case, the system unlocks an additional section of the course that explains the subject in detail and makes it easier. It should be noted that the system has the ability to analyze how a student better understands content, whether in the form of text or videos, since not all people learn in the same way.

The future of adaptive learning

Adaptive learning is currently an excellent tool that is transforming the education sector, even though there is still a long way to go before it becomes a 'standard' teaching method for learning in general. Another equally important aspect is artificial intelligence (AI), which continues to improve every year. In the future, this software are likely to require less human intervention and create the content for us, thus becoming increasingly complex systems. They will be better able to match students to the perfect content, resulting in the creation of a truly personalized learning program.

This will only translate into improvements in the learning process that allow users to obtain the knowledge they need more efficiently.

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